Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hypsometric Map

A hypsometric map giving elevations of a mapped area; it shows the relief of the land by contours, shading or tinting.

Biplot Map

A biplot map is similar to a star plot map, except information or the observation of each variable is illustrated on the same plot. This map allows the user to see the relationship of each variable . In addition, the detentions shown on the biplot can account for the greatest possible variance of the data in the matrix.
The map displayed shows the same information as the Star Plot map example, but in a two dimensional form.

Star Plot Map

A star plot map shows stars and their relative point of location within a single observation. A typical star plot map, shows each rays with the length representative to the size or amount of the variable. These maps are used to track, locate additional points within relative distances or dissimilar points within the observational area.

The map example is of a star map illustrating information on individual car models.

Public Land Survey System (PLSS)

Public Land Survey System (PLSS) of Alaska, USA.

PLSS is a mapping process used in the United States , which allows the land to be subdivided and described for government and public use. Any public land can be surveyed and mapped within the system. The PLSS uses a rectangular grid system during this survey process.

PLSS divides the land into six-square mile townships. The townships are then further divided as surveyed. In the original days of the PLSS the surveyors would mark the important lots with markers, permanent or semi permanent.  Today, these important lots are marked with permanent markers and are usually inscribed.

Cadastral Map

Cadastral maps are also known as a cadaster or cadastre maps. These maps are a subject of public records and are maintained by the government. A cadastral map provides detailed information on a specific area and real property.
A cadastral map can display information specific to the mapped area. In addition, the map can include information on taxes, property owners and any buildings or structures which are on each the lots and any other natural features of the land being mapped.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Google Earth Map Childhood Home

This is a Google Earth Map Using Remote Sensing through a satellite and ground images. This interactive mapping tool allows the user to locate a specific point or just browse their world.

The image selected is the place I can remember the first bits of my life. There is nothing now, but when I lived there, it was my home. I used to pick orange lilies my mom grew, I used to climb trees and arrange pine tree needles to create a playhouse with my cat named parts, who was buried there. It is sad to see it empty, but hey maybe one day I can purchase it and build a yurt!